Shows & Events

mars 2025

Dj: Måns Lindén

The OG vinyl slinger Måns Lindén is once again standing ...
29 - 30 mar
20:00 - 02:00
Geronimo's FGT
Stora Nygatan 5, 111 27 Stockholm
april 2025
maj 2025
Inget evenemang hittades!
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Past shows ▼



February 28: Grand Opening! Live: Crypt Kicker 5 & Exorcist GBG
March 6: The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown (UK)
March 19: Dollhouse
April 8: Väg – Release Party
April 9: CC Company
April 17: Truls Mörck
April 18: Leaf Hound (UK)
April 30: Malcolm Holcombe (US)
May 2: Mascara Snakes – Release Party
May 6: Spirits – Release Party
May 7: Lydia Loveless (US)
May 22: Baby Grandmothers
May 23: Pig Eyes
June 11: Second Sun
June 12: Snake – Release Party
June 13: Tarantula Waltz – Release Party
June 26: The Winchester Widowmakers
June 28: Danava (US)
August 15: Svartanatt – Video Release
August 23: Golden Pelicans (US)
August 29: Dead Lord – Release Party
September 1: Baby Shakes (US)
September 5: Snowy Dunes
September 17: Sonny & The Sunsets (US)
September 19: Den Stora Vilan
September 23: La Luz (US)
September 24: Joy (US) & Death Alley (NL)
September 25: The Deslondes (US)
September 26: Black Salvation (DE)
October 2: POP Stockholm 3 year anniversary – Live: Sienna Root & Magna Mater
October 6: Vetiver (US) + support: Little Children
October 8: Moss (US)
October 10: Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO (JP)
October 16: The Picturebooks (DK) + support The Loranes
October 20: Ufomammut (ITA) + support SUMA
October 23: Vasuma Party, Live: ROPED
October 30: Magic Jove + Agusa
November 6: Solid Ground
November 12: Hypnos
November 13: Mylla
November 20: Jeremy Irons & The Ratgang Malibus
November 21: Strängen
November 27: Exorcist GBG
November 28: Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation
December 6: Föllakzoid (CL)
December 9: Woah Dad – present: RAN + Hashish – Release Party
December 10: Dirty Fences (US)
December 11: Night Viper – Release Party
December 12: CC Company + Second Sun
December 31: New Years Eve Bash – Live: Strängen


January 28: Quad DMG
February 20: L’Obscurité + Martin Savage Gang – Release Party
March 1: K-X-P (FIN)
March 4: Geronimo’s FGT 1 year – Live: Imperial State Electric
March 25: Music Is The Weapon – Release Party
March 31: Horisont
April 1: Honeymoon Disease
April 9: Tentakel
April 16: The Alloy Six – Release Party
May 8: The Underground Youth (UK)
May 12: Abramis Brama
May 20: Paul Collins Beat (US)
May 21: Snowy Dunes + Mother Kasabian
May 26: Brutus (NO)
May 27: Magna Mater
June 14: Jucifer (US)
June 26: Entrance AKA Guy Blakeslee (US)
August 5: MaidaVale – Release Party
August 15: Silver Apples (US)
August 18: Strängen – Release Party
August 26: Rock’n’Soul Club Toot & Trill – Live: The Vanjas
September 1: Svartanatt – Release Party
September 8: The Order Of Israfel
September 20: Night Beats (US)
October 8: Second Sun – Release Party
October 15: Skogen Brinner
October 29: Holly Golightly and Band (UK)
November 15: Pentagram (US) + support The Order Of Israfel
November 16: Pentagram (US) + support The Order Of Israfel
November 17: Wand (US)
December 10: Thomas E. Frank + support Sarah Klang
December 13: Kebnekajse
December 17: Horror Movie Theme Night – Live: The Dahmers
December 31: Geronimo’s FGT New Years Bash – Live: Geez Louise & The Tittie Squeeze


February 4: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute – In memory of Rick Parfitt
February 17: Get It Hot – AC/DC Tribute
February 25: Geronimo’s FGT 2 year anniversary – Live: Dead Lord
March 2: Lonely Kamel (NO) + support Snowy Dunes
March 4: The Moonbeats – Release party. Support: LULA
March 28: “DEMONS” – Release Party
March 30: Hypnos
April 6: Night
April 8: Svartanatt – Release Party
April 27: Robert Pehrsson’s Humbucker
May 6: VOJD + Wournos
May 10: Bernadotte + Simon Aulis Quintet
May 11: John Hoyles
May 13: Rise and Shine – Release Party
May 18: Bang (US)
May 26: Muskelrock pre-party – Live: Midnight Stranger + Brash
May 27: VÄG
May 30: Exorcist GBG
August 10: Kikagaku Moyo (JP)
August 12: Bondage Fairies – Release Party
August 24: BIG KIZZ
September 10: Endless Boogie (US)
September 14: Baby Grandmothers (Klubb Filips 50 Year Anniversary)
October 14: Hällas – Release Party
October 18: Uli Jon Roth (DE)
October 28: Råger Erickson – En hyllning till Roky Erickson (Roky Erickson Tribute)
November 4: The Strollers + The Maharajas
November 11: Bo Hansson Tribute
November 17: Night Viper – Release Party
November 25: Rob Coffinshaker’s Underground Fire
November 30: CHPO & Giftorm fundraising fest – Live: Krösus + Svartanatt
December 2: JIRM + Mysteriet
December 9: Honeymoon Disease – Release Party
December 14: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Rayon x + Rymdstyrelsen
December 16: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute


January 6: Tornet
January 18: Bror Gunnar Jansson
January 27: Melody Fields – Release Party
February 3: Deadheads – Release Party
February 15: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Anonyma Alkemister Aural + ZZ Kopf
February 16: Project JB – A Tribute To James Brown
February 24: Vojd
March 3: Geronimo’s FGT 3 Year Anniversary – Live: Dungen
March 8: Orkan
March 10: The Over-Nite Sensations – A Tribute To Frank Zappa
March 23: Insane + Mystik
April 13: Oowe Oola – Hurriganes Tribute
April 19: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Audionom + support Majvor
April 24: Mikael Ramel Band – Till Dej
May 4: The Fleshtones (US) + support Stupidity
May 5: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta – Live: Mariachi Fiesta México
May 19: BIG KIZZ – Release Party
May 29: Muskelrock pre-party – Live: Ashbury (US)
July 6: Lucifer – Release Party!
July 11: Endless Boogie (US)
July 13: Driving Rain
September 5: The Blank Tapes (US) + support Lion’s Den
September 8: Twin Pigs – Release Party
September 25: Demon Head (DK)
October 3: Vultures Vengeance (ITA) + support Mystik
October 6: Second Sun – Release Party
October 12: Vigilante
November 2: The Heard – Release Party
November 17: Steamroller – Release Party, Support: The Blue Ruin
November 23: Pershagen


March 2: Geronimo’s FGT 4 year anniversary – Live: Horisont
March 9: Stratosphere
March 16: Altay’s Electric Freedom
April 13: Slug Bait – Release Party
April 30: Sabïre (CAN)
May 3: Enforcer – Release Party
May 28: Muskelrock Pre-Party – Live: Exciter (CAN)
May 29: Kuunatic (JP) + support Farida
June 6: OZ
June 15: AC/DC-Bandet
June 28: Macken Brewery Motorpsycho Beer Release – Live: Acid’s Trip
August 17: VAK – Release Party
September 7 – The Riven
September 27 – John Hoyles Group
September 28: Grand
October 4: Döskalle
October 5: Katla
October 18: Hedda Hatar
October 25: POP 7 year anniversary – Live: Räjäyttäjät (FIN) + Venguns
October 26: Mother Superior
November 2: Howl From The Coffin – Live: Bastard Grave
November 8: Joseph Tholl
November 14: Genuine Mezziga
November 30: Kvasar


January 25: Hot Breath
January 29: Bo Hansson Tribute


September 30: Tentakel
Ocotber 15: Hot Breath
October 23: The Population
October 30: Freedom
November 5: CC Company
November 18: Spiders
November 27: Second Sun
December 1: Angstbadan – Release Party
December 9: Träden
December 11: The Riven


March 25: Century
March 26: Chaos Wielder
April 2: Geronimo’s 7 year anniversary – Live: Käse
April 6: Maggot Heart + Obnoxious Youth
April 23: Iron Lamb
April 30: Firebreather
May 21: Wooden Fields
May 28: Dicator Ship
May 31: Sacri Monti (US) + Kaleidobolt (FIN)
June 1: Muscle Rock Pre-Party – Live: Girlschool (UK)
September 15: Macken Fest Pre-Party – Live: Harrowed
October 1: Marble Mammoth
November 5: Geronimo’s Halloween Party – Live: The 99kr Babies
November 19: Alligator
December 1: Rokets (FIN)
December 16: The Riven – Release Party


January 26: Svartanatt – Release Party
January 28: Electric Feel Good
February 11: The Population
February 18: Howlers
March 3: Pershagen
March 10: Dollhouse
March 31: Eternal Evil
April 6: The Vampyres (Tribulation secret show) – Release Party
April 8: The Through Being Cools (Devo Tribute)
April 15: Agusa
April 18: Hollow Ship
April 21: Century + support Sphynxs
April 27: The Golden Grass (US) + The Sonic Dawn (DK)
May 5: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta – Live: Mariachi Fiesta México
May 10: Stiu Nu Stiu
May 11: Shaam Larein
May 20: Warhawk
May 26: Angstbadan
June 8: Mia Maria Johansson – Release Party
June 16: Rokets (FIN) + support Alligator
July 1: Geronimo’s Freedom Rock Party – Live: The 99kr Babies
August 11: The Spel
August 19: Horror Lizard (Skrackoedlan secret show) – Release Party
August 22: Earthless (US)
September 1: VAK – Release Party
September 21: Nicolai Dunger & Thomas Öberg
September 28: Trummor & Orgel
November 2: Danava (US) + support Contaminazione
November 11: Second Sun
November 25: No Tears
December 7: Indy The Organslayer
December 8: Erik Lazaroff & Hökarna
December 16: Motöerhead Tribute Night! Live: The Reptile Lovers


January 19: Dead Express
January 20: Polymoon (FIN)
February 3: Alastor
February 9: The Spell
February 17: Razorvoid
February 23: Electric Feel Good
March 8: Amethyst (CH)
March 15: Thin Lizzy Tribute Night! Live: Tin Lassie & The Black Roses
May 4: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta! Live: Mariachi Fiesta Mexico
May 10: Penny Arcadia
May 11: Långfinger
May 17: Angstbadan
May 24: The Janitors – Release Party
May 28: Muskelrock Pre-Party! Live: Tanith (US) + Tower (US)
May 29: Deathchant (US) + support Alligator
June 4: Muskelrock After-Party! Live: Drifter (US) + Templar
June 8: Two Headed – Release Party
August 23: Käse (Kiss Tribute)
August 31: Missiles + support Kalle Hygien
September 6: Erik Lazaroff & Hökarna – Release Party
October 5: Demon Head (DK) + support The Spell
October 11: Upploppet + support Caboose + Outlane
October 12: Slingblade + support Templar
October 19: Neutra + support Chaos Wielder
November 1: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute
November 2: Geronimo’s Halloween Party! Live: JellyScream
November 13: The Sonic Dawn + support Donnatellus
November 22: Sweet Teeth + support Plot Of Knives
November 30: Southmountain’s Hard Bargain + support Kvicksilver

Geronimo’s FGT
Stora Nygatan 5, 111 27 Stockholm

Gamla Stan

Opening Hours: 


TUE-THUR / 17:00-01:00
FRI-SAT / 17:00-02:00
SUN-MON / Closed


TUE-THUR / 17:00-01:00
FRI-SAT / 15:00-02:00
SUN / 17:00-01:00
MON / Closed


We do not take table reservations for dinner. Drop-in only! Inquiries for larger Groups (8+), rentals and event bookings, please email

Booking – Awesome bands only!
