Shows & Events
Dj: Måns Lindén
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Live! Stress Angel + Raze + Harrowed
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Live! Dunbarrow (NO) + The Spell
Geronimo’s Fucking Good Quiz!
Past shows ▼
February 28: Grand Opening! Live: Crypt Kicker 5 & Exorcist GBG
March 6: The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown (UK)
March 19: Dollhouse
April 8: Väg – Release Party
April 9: CC Company
April 17: Truls Mörck
April 18: Leaf Hound (UK)
April 30: Malcolm Holcombe (US)
May 2: Mascara Snakes – Release Party
May 6: Spirits – Release Party
May 7: Lydia Loveless (US)
May 22: Baby Grandmothers
May 23: Pig Eyes
June 11: Second Sun
June 12: Snake – Release Party
June 13: Tarantula Waltz – Release Party
June 26: The Winchester Widowmakers
June 28: Danava (US)
August 15: Svartanatt – Video Release
August 23: Golden Pelicans (US)
August 29: Dead Lord – Release Party
September 1: Baby Shakes (US)
September 5: Snowy Dunes
September 17: Sonny & The Sunsets (US)
September 19: Den Stora Vilan
September 23: La Luz (US)
September 24: Joy (US) & Death Alley (NL)
September 25: The Deslondes (US)
September 26: Black Salvation (DE)
October 2: POP Stockholm 3 year anniversary – Live: Sienna Root & Magna Mater
October 6: Vetiver (US) + support: Little Children
October 8: Moss (US)
October 10: Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO (JP)
October 16: The Picturebooks (DK) + support The Loranes
October 20: Ufomammut (ITA) + support SUMA
October 23: Vasuma Party, Live: ROPED
October 30: Magic Jove + Agusa
November 6: Solid Ground
November 12: Hypnos
November 13: Mylla
November 20: Jeremy Irons & The Ratgang Malibus
November 21: Strängen
November 27: Exorcist GBG
November 28: Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation
December 6: Föllakzoid (CL)
December 9: Woah Dad – present: RAN + Hashish – Release Party
December 10: Dirty Fences (US)
December 11: Night Viper – Release Party
December 12: CC Company + Second Sun
December 31: New Years Eve Bash – Live: Strängen
January 28: Quad DMG
February 20: L’Obscurité + Martin Savage Gang – Release Party
March 1: K-X-P (FIN)
March 4: Geronimo’s FGT 1 year – Live: Imperial State Electric
March 25: Music Is The Weapon – Release Party
March 31: Horisont
April 1: Honeymoon Disease
April 9: Tentakel
April 16: The Alloy Six – Release Party
May 8: The Underground Youth (UK)
May 12: Abramis Brama
May 20: Paul Collins Beat (US)
May 21: Snowy Dunes + Mother Kasabian
May 26: Brutus (NO)
May 27: Magna Mater
June 14: Jucifer (US)
June 26: Entrance AKA Guy Blakeslee (US)
August 5: MaidaVale – Release Party
August 15: Silver Apples (US)
August 18: Strängen – Release Party
August 26: Rock’n’Soul Club Toot & Trill – Live: The Vanjas
September 1: Svartanatt – Release Party
September 8: The Order Of Israfel
September 20: Night Beats (US)
October 8: Second Sun – Release Party
October 15: Skogen Brinner
October 29: Holly Golightly and Band (UK)
November 15: Pentagram (US) + support The Order Of Israfel
November 16: Pentagram (US) + support The Order Of Israfel
November 17: Wand (US)
December 10: Thomas E. Frank + support Sarah Klang
December 13: Kebnekajse
December 17: Horror Movie Theme Night – Live: The Dahmers
December 31: Geronimo’s FGT New Years Bash – Live: Geez Louise & The Tittie Squeeze
February 4: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute – In memory of Rick Parfitt
February 17: Get It Hot – AC/DC Tribute
February 25: Geronimo’s FGT 2 year anniversary – Live: Dead Lord
March 2: Lonely Kamel (NO) + support Snowy Dunes
March 4: The Moonbeats – Release party. Support: LULA
March 28: “DEMONS” – Release Party
March 30: Hypnos
April 6: Night
April 8: Svartanatt – Release Party
April 27: Robert Pehrsson’s Humbucker
May 6: VOJD + Wournos
May 10: Bernadotte + Simon Aulis Quintet
May 11: John Hoyles
May 13: Rise and Shine – Release Party
May 18: Bang (US)
May 26: Muskelrock pre-party – Live: Midnight Stranger + Brash
May 27: VÄG
May 30: Exorcist GBG
August 10: Kikagaku Moyo (JP)
August 12: Bondage Fairies – Release Party
August 24: BIG KIZZ
September 10: Endless Boogie (US)
September 14: Baby Grandmothers (Klubb Filips 50 Year Anniversary)
October 14: Hällas – Release Party
October 18: Uli Jon Roth (DE)
October 28: Råger Erickson – En hyllning till Roky Erickson (Roky Erickson Tribute)
November 4: The Strollers + The Maharajas
November 11: Bo Hansson Tribute
November 17: Night Viper – Release Party
November 25: Rob Coffinshaker’s Underground Fire
November 30: CHPO & Giftorm fundraising fest – Live: Krösus + Svartanatt
December 2: JIRM + Mysteriet
December 9: Honeymoon Disease – Release Party
December 14: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Rayon x + Rymdstyrelsen
December 16: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute
January 6: Tornet
January 18: Bror Gunnar Jansson
January 27: Melody Fields – Release Party
February 3: Deadheads – Release Party
February 15: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Anonyma Alkemister Aural + ZZ Kopf
February 16: Project JB – A Tribute To James Brown
February 24: Vojd
March 3: Geronimo’s FGT 3 Year Anniversary – Live: Dungen
March 8: Orkan
March 10: The Over-Nite Sensations – A Tribute To Frank Zappa
March 23: Insane + Mystik
April 13: Oowe Oola – Hurriganes Tribute
April 19: Club Fly Interzone – Live: Audionom + support Majvor
April 24: Mikael Ramel Band – Till Dej
May 4: The Fleshtones (US) + support Stupidity
May 5: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta – Live: Mariachi Fiesta México
May 19: BIG KIZZ – Release Party
May 29: Muskelrock pre-party – Live: Ashbury (US)
July 6: Lucifer – Release Party!
July 11: Endless Boogie (US)
July 13: Driving Rain
September 5: The Blank Tapes (US) + support Lion’s Den
September 8: Twin Pigs – Release Party
September 25: Demon Head (DK)
October 3: Vultures Vengeance (ITA) + support Mystik
October 6: Second Sun – Release Party
October 12: Vigilante
November 2: The Heard – Release Party
November 17: Steamroller – Release Party, Support: The Blue Ruin
November 23: Pershagen
March 2: Geronimo’s FGT 4 year anniversary – Live: Horisont
March 9: Stratosphere
March 16: Altay’s Electric Freedom
April 13: Slug Bait – Release Party
April 30: Sabïre (CAN)
May 3: Enforcer – Release Party
May 28: Muskelrock Pre-Party – Live: Exciter (CAN)
May 29: Kuunatic (JP) + support Farida
June 6: OZ
June 15: AC/DC-Bandet
June 28: Macken Brewery Motorpsycho Beer Release – Live: Acid’s Trip
August 17: VAK – Release Party
September 7 – The Riven
September 27 – John Hoyles Group
September 28: Grand
October 4: Döskalle
October 5: Katla
October 18: Hedda Hatar
October 25: POP 7 year anniversary – Live: Räjäyttäjät (FIN) + Venguns
October 26: Mother Superior
November 2: Howl From The Coffin – Live: Bastard Grave
November 8: Joseph Tholl
November 14: Genuine Mezziga
November 30: Kvasar
January 25: Hot Breath
January 29: Bo Hansson Tribute
September 30: Tentakel
Ocotber 15: Hot Breath
October 23: The Population
October 30: Freedom
November 5: CC Company
November 18: Spiders
November 27: Second Sun
December 1: Angstbadan – Release Party
December 9: Träden
December 11: The Riven
March 25: Century
March 26: Chaos Wielder
April 2: Geronimo’s 7 year anniversary – Live: Käse
April 6: Maggot Heart + Obnoxious Youth
April 23: Iron Lamb
April 30: Firebreather
May 21: Wooden Fields
May 28: Dicator Ship
May 31: Sacri Monti (US) + Kaleidobolt (FIN)
June 1: Muscle Rock Pre-Party – Live: Girlschool (UK)
September 15: Macken Fest Pre-Party – Live: Harrowed
October 1: Marble Mammoth
November 5: Geronimo’s Halloween Party – Live: The 99kr Babies
November 19: Alligator
December 1: Rokets (FIN)
December 16: The Riven – Release Party
January 26: Svartanatt – Release Party
January 28: Electric Feel Good
February 11: The Population
February 18: Howlers
March 3: Pershagen
March 10: Dollhouse
March 31: Eternal Evil
April 6: The Vampyres (Tribulation secret show) – Release Party
April 8: The Through Being Cools (Devo Tribute)
April 15: Agusa
April 18: Hollow Ship
April 21: Century + support Sphynxs
April 27: The Golden Grass (US) + The Sonic Dawn (DK)
May 5: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta – Live: Mariachi Fiesta México
May 10: Stiu Nu Stiu
May 11: Shaam Larein
May 20: Warhawk
May 26: Angstbadan
June 8: Mia Maria Johansson – Release Party
June 16: Rokets (FIN) + support Alligator
July 1: Geronimo’s Freedom Rock Party – Live: The 99kr Babies
August 11: The Spel
August 19: Horror Lizard (Skrackoedlan secret show) – Release Party
August 22: Earthless (US)
September 1: VAK – Release Party
September 21: Nicolai Dunger & Thomas Öberg
September 28: Trummor & Orgel
November 2: Danava (US) + support Contaminazione
November 11: Second Sun
November 25: No Tears
December 7: Indy The Organslayer
December 8: Erik Lazaroff & Hökarna
December 16: Motöerhead Tribute Night! Live: The Reptile Lovers
January 19: Dead Express
January 20: Polymoon (FIN)
February 3: Alastor
February 9: The Spell
February 17: Razorvoid
February 23: Electric Feel Good
March 8: Amethyst (CH)
March 15: Thin Lizzy Tribute Night! Live: Tin Lassie & The Black Roses
May 4: Cinco De Mayo Fiesta! Live: Mariachi Fiesta Mexico
May 10: Penny Arcadia
May 11: Långfinger
May 17: Angstbadan
May 24: The Janitors – Release Party
May 28: Muskelrock Pre-Party! Live: Tanith (US) + Tower (US)
May 29: Deathchant (US) + support Alligator
June 4: Muskelrock After-Party! Live: Drifter (US) + Templar
June 8: Two Headed – Release Party
August 23: Käse (Kiss Tribute)
August 31: Missiles + support Kalle Hygien
September 6: Erik Lazaroff & Hökarna – Release Party
October 5: Demon Head (DK) + support The Spell
October 11: Upploppet + support Caboose + Outlane
October 12: Slingblade + support Templar
October 19: Neutra + support Chaos Wielder
November 1: Big Fat Mama – Status Quo Tribute
November 2: Geronimo’s Halloween Party! Live: JellyScream
November 13: The Sonic Dawn + support Donnatellus
November 22: Sweet Teeth + support Plot Of Knives
November 30: Southmountain’s Hard Bargain + support Kvicksilver